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5 of My Favorite Devotionals: Marriage and Motherhood Edition

Hello and welcome back to the blog! Lately, I have been finding it really helpful to me to dig into some good devotionals. I normally have a couple going at a time and today I'd like to share the ones I have really enjoyed from the YouVersion Bible app. I truly love this app anyway because of how much is available on it for free but I have found some really great devotionals on it over the last couple of months that have really changed my thought process and improved my Christian walk.

I have done a variety of different themed reading plans on the app but today I wanted to share with you five of my favorite marriage and motherhood focused devotions. And maybe at a later point I can share a list of different devotions that I've done and found helpful as well. But, for now, let's get into five of my favorite marriage and motherhood devotions from YouVersion.


1. God's Advice for Wives

The first devotion that really got me hooked on these YouVersion reading plans was "God's Advice for Wives" by Moments of Hope. This 8-day plan is all about essentially becoming a better and stronger support for your husband. It gives sound, biblical advice on changing your thought process as a wife to help you better understand ways that God wants you to honor and serve your husband. This is the first marriage based devotion I've done in a long time and it was so refreshing. It literally changed my mindset and thought process so much and served as such a good reminder of how I can better serve and honor my husband. I really recommend this one despite how long you've been married. I think there is always room for growth and improvement in yourself and your relationship and I found this devotional to be so insightful for the growth and improvement of myself as wife. You can check out this reading plan here.


2. Your Home Matters

This second devotional is really great for helping set the tone in your home. "Your Home Matters" by FamilyLife is a 5-day plan that is focused on why the things you do within the four walls of your home matter. This was one that really made me take time to stop and think about what I was doing in my home. As a stay-at-home mom/wife, I want my home to be an environment that is comforting and welcoming for both my family unit that lives here as well as any other family or friends that may visit. Above all else, I want my home to be a place that facilitates God's love. This devotional was great because it reminded me to be intentional with what I'm doing in my home and gave me a new motivation to take care of my home. I love how it literally goes through and gives you five reasons on why your home matters. It's a great reminder that taking care of your home and setting the right tone for your home is pleasing to God and for me, that was such a big motivator. You can read this devotional for yourself by clicking here.


3. 4 Prayers Every Wife Should Pray

Next up is "4 Prayers Every Wife Should Pray". This is a 4-day plan that gives you something each day that you should be praying for/over your husband. This has changed my prayer life incredibly. It talks about praying for everything from your husband's walk with God to his work. It's short and sweet but offers so many valuable aspects to focus on when in prayer for your husband. In addition to just giving you things to pray about, it also helped me to realize I needed to pay better attention to my husband to know what specifically pray for. For example, the devotional gives you some questions to ask your husband specifically about his work so that you can, in turn, be in prayer for those needs in his work. I've always felt like a good listener but I often times find it really hard to follow along with my husband's work, as it's just something that I don't understand despite how hard I try. I'm now more intentional when listening to his work because I feel like it's my way to help him, even though I don't fully understand it. Seriously, this one has been a total game changer for me and these are prayers I try to pray over my husband every single day. Learn more about these prayers here.


4. Victorious Families

"Victorious Families" by Frontier Ministries is another incredible devotional that has seriously changed my prayer life. This 5-day plan is all about having a God-centered family that is set apart from the world. The whole devotional uses Noah's family as an example of a set apart family and offers great insights on how to help your family be set apart as well. As I said, this devotional changed my prayer life and how I specifically pray for my family unit as a whole. Every day, I try to go through the five topics touched on in this devotional and pray about those areas in my own family. Very insightful and encouraging! I also think this would be a good devotional to do together with your family, especially if your kids are a little older. Find out more about this devotional here.


5. Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday

Last but not least, "Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday" by Valerie Woerner is maybe my favorite devotional I've done ever. I've read through it twice and I have memorized short summaries of each of the days and recite them to myself literally every single day. This is a 7-day plan to send your negative mom attitude away. As a new mom, this devotional has been so eye opening to me. I've been able to really dig in and change my perspective on how I view motherhood. Because of this devotional, I've really been able to step back and reevaluate what I'm doing as a mother and where my head is. This devotional gives such good insights, the words I write about it will never do it justice, seriously just go check it out. Through this, I've been able to really connect with God about what my motherhood should look like according to Him. This devotional has been such a blessing to me and I highly encourage you to go check it out. You can find this great devotional by clicking here. Also, just a side note, but this devotional is actually adapted from Valerie Woerner's book, Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday, which I definitely think I need to buy soon!


If you made it this far in my post, I just want to say thank you so much for taking time to read it and I truly hope you found these devotionals as helpful and encouraging as I have.

Thanks so much again for reading!

Until next time.




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Hey there, I'm Halley! I am a 26-year-old wife and mother based in Central Kentucky and I am passionate about my faith and my family. I am a special education teacher turned stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. I enjoy this life with my charming husband, two darling sons; three-year-old AJ and newborn CJ, lovely step-daughter, and goofy, yet so loveable, golden retriever called Chuck...

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