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A Wonderful Wintry Day

Hello again.

I cannot begin to tell you about the absolutely magical day that we had. It was so wonderful and majestic, I feel that it's nearly impossible to put into words. But I shall attempt it because it was so incredible.

So in the words of Laura Ingalls Wilder "If I had a remembrance book..."

We anticipated the snow and in the earlier morning hours, I dared almost a twinge of doubt that it would really come. Schools had called off, even ones that generally didn't. I nearly laughed at the thought of all the cancellations and then no snow showing up. But sure enough, the snow arrived and it made itself comfortable and even now at this nighttime hour I'm writing, it is still snowing just faintly.

It happened so quickly, it seemed as though as soon as it started the ground was covered with inches of snow. Probably not overly impressive to people living in better wintry places but certainly impressing to those living in Kentucky, like myself.

The now nearly two and a half AJ found the snow to be incredibly hypnotizing. He spent much of the morning looking out the windows and declaring "Look! It's snowing!" There was even a point during the day where he took me to the window of our family room and we both sat, sort of like cats watching birds as they flutter about a tree, watching out at the beautiful snowfall. My husband and I swapped many "it's so beautiful"s during the day. We are truly blessed to all be at home to experience these moments together.

It was extra special, I will admit, even though I do always find snow to be mesmerizing. This was our first snow in our new home, which has incredibly magical views as it is. It did not disappoint. To be cozied up in the house next to the fire just simply watching out the window with AJ was a moment I want to burn into my memory. It made me extremely grateful to be able to have this time to live slowly. How rushed the world is, I often wonder how I may ever keep up once our lives reach a busier point. But, I won't change me, at least not in that sense. It feels good to be who you are and be comfortable with that.

After lunch, when AJ was doing, what he calls, "quiet time" (which I assure you is anything but quiet unless he happens to fall asleep which still happens frequently), I had to make a quick slightly panicked phone call to the pediatrician about a rash. I had talked myself into a worry about something that had popped up and was determined to not let it spoil the day like I so often let worry do. Thankfully, I talked to a wonderful nurse who gave me confirmation that it was, in fact, nothing to worry about. I'm still thanking God for that blessing.

I spent the rest of AJ's quiet time listening to romantic classical music, you know the kind, it would be what you could imagine hearing if you were standing in a ballroom in the Victorian Era looking over potential suitors being very dramatic. I was also trying a bread recipe for the first time. I've never made bread. I've baked other things from scratch but never bread and for some reason, I feel to make it my mission to perfect making homemade white bread. It does seem like a worthy endeavor after all. I scampered about in the kitchen in a newly gifted apron I received which is Christmas-themed but the little green pines on the beautiful white background with hints of red just really fit the mood of the snow day, so I wore it, despite it being after Christmas (scandalous). I felt quite like I could be in a movie but better even because it was real life and I'm so thankful for that. Oh, the bread did turn out, though not the prettiest, it did taste good though. I shall continue my research and I will make just lovely white bread, wait and see.

After quiet time, I bundled up AJ and myself and we headed out into the snow-covered grounds. To say he was happy would be an understatement. He talks so well now and is really coming along expressing his thoughts and feelings. He exclaimed so many times outside "I love big snow!" and also took to making sure our dog, Chuck, knew the snow was there by yelling at him "Look, Chuck! Big snow!" In fact, the day brought him so much joy that he kept repeating "Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas everybody!" which was followed up inside later with an "I love Merry Christmas!" It was such a wonderful time he believed it just had to be Christmas again, bless him. I even let him watch the Polar Express to celebrate the snow (again, how scandalous to watch a Christmas movie after Christmas).

The rest of the evening was filled with the normal activities, which I do love for I adore the mundane. I probably don't sound like the most exciting of people, but that's alright. At this moment I am perfectly content.

Now to cozy up with my latest book (or books, I've always got more than one going) and relax into a restful sleep.

Until next time.



Hi, I'm so glad you're here!

Hey there, I'm Halley! I am a 26-year-old wife and mother based in Central Kentucky and I am passionate about my faith and my family. I am a special education teacher turned stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. I enjoy this life with my charming husband, two darling sons; three-year-old AJ and newborn CJ, lovely step-daughter, and goofy, yet so loveable, golden retriever called Chuck...

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