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Bullet Journaling as a Homemaker

Hello and welcome!

Something that I think is vital not only as a homemaker but as a human being is being able to plan your day and at least your month. It's so important to write down dates for doctor's appointments, times for meetings, and due dates for tasks you have to complete, the list can really go on forever. I personally also like being able to plan out my day to day with events going on and with a to-do list. I feel like this helps me to optimize my productivity and stay on top of taking care of my home, my family, and myself.

Over the years I've used so many different planning methods from digital to loads of different paper planners, I've tried just about everything that's offered out there. I remember the very first planner I ever got. It was 6th grade and our school handed out student planners and we were required to have our planners at all times and write in them our due dates and such for academic-related tasks. And honestly, I've been kind of into planning ever since. I remember it gave me a feeling of success and organization that I never had before. Even though I fell off the planning train after the school stopped implementing it, it's something I picked back up in college and have never really looked back on. I love to plan!

In the past, I've tried multiple different planners as well as used digital resources like Notion (which is incredible if you are a digital planner). And while these were helpful and definitely could've worked if nothing else was available, there is one form of planning that I tried way back in I want to say 2017, and no matter what new thing I try, I always go back to it. And that is bullet journaling.

What is a Bullet Journal?

If you've never heard of a bullet journal (which I'd be shocked by as they got really popular years ago), it's basically the best of both worlds between having a structured and functional planner and a journal to freely create in as you please. A bullet journal is completely customizable and you can just set it up in whatever way suits you and your lifestyle.

Creating a bullet journal is very simple. You need a blank notebook and something to write with. That's it. It doesn't have to be expensive or fancy. It's just a notebook and a pen. And I guess something else you need is a good idea of what kind of planning system works for you personally.

Why Bullet Journal?

The reason I always come back to bullet journaling? It's because it works the absolute best for me. Absolutely no other form of planning helps me to stay more organized or be more productive than bullet journaling does. I've tried so many planners, and apps on my phone and Notion before to structure my planning but it just doesn't work. It may work for a bit, but I would always fall off using it. I love bullet journaling because I can set it up the way I want and need it to be set up. I've yet to find a pre-made planner that has the exact layout that works for me.

Another reason I love bullet journaling is that it gives an opportunity to be creative. Back when I was really in the depths of my bullet journal journey and was learning all about it, my spreads were honestly pretty incredibly. I spent loads of time decorating my spreads. Every month had a different theme (one year I had a Harry Potter-themed month). I would use tons of different trackers and even a mood mandala. I loved it. I loved being able to sit down and create and then be able to look at those spreads all month long and know I created it. Now that I'm in a different stage of life with a teenager, toddler, and another baby on the way, as well as a husband, house, and a dog, I do not have the time (or energy) to spend that much time decorating my spreads. I keep it really simple and minimal and it works amazingly.

How I set up my Bullet Journal

Monthly Pages

Monthly Log

Like I said, I keep it super simple. In my bullet journal for each month, I have three monthly spreads. These spreads are literally all about months as a whole. The first spread I have is just a monthly log (basically like a calendar). I write down the days of the month and number them with their dates. Then I can write what is going on on a specific day during the month in my log and it's all there. On this page, I also title it with the month and year that it is. Following the title to fill up the extra space, I normally have a little icon I choose to draw which is kind of my theme for the month. As you will see in these pictures, my icon for the month of June is the sun. So I will use that throughout all my spreads as minimal decoration. Lastly, on this page, I will normally have an encouraging quote of some sort. It may have to do specifically with the month or season or it may just be one I really like in general.

Gratitude Log

The next page in my monthly spreads is my gratitude log. This spread just has a title and then is numbered for every day in the month with some space in between so that I can write down at least one thing I am grateful for every day. It really is a practice that changes your mindset. I feel much more content and patient when I am daily practicing gratitude. I think being thankful and aware of our blessings helps us to have a quiet heart.

Habit Tracker

The last monthly spread is one of my favorites, really because it is very satisfying to look at the end of the month. This is my habit tracker. On it I basically make a little graph, down the left side of the page I number each day of the month along with a letter to represent the day of the week, then across the bottom, I write a habit per line that I want to accomplish every day. As the month goes on, I will fill in the appropriate boxes to represent that I've completed that habit on a certain day. For example, if I read on Wednesday, the 1st, I would color in the box that meets on that date and on that habit. It's very satisfying to look at as the month goes on, it helps keep me motivated, and it also shows in what areas I need to make changes. I really love using a habit tracker and I do believe it really helps me to form better habits.

Weekly and Daily Spreads

The last two spreads I keep in my bullet journal on a regular basis are essential for my productivity and organization. One is truly a weekly spread while the other is sort of a weekly and daily cross.

Weekly Meal Planner

The weekly spread is my meal planning spread. On this spread, I create a chart of what I plan to cook and eat Monday through Friday of the week. This does not always go as planned but it's good to have an idea of what to buy at the store and what and when to prep. I think it gives me a bit of a headstart and allows us to have more meals at home if I am planning this way. I simply title the page with the dates, make my chart, and include a space for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for each day plus a dessert category at the very top of the page. I personally like making a dessert at the beginning of the week that my family can enjoy all week long whenever they'd like it. It's a very simple spread but honestly has helped me so much.

Daily/Weekly Spread

The last spread is the number one most hopeful spread I have. It's basically just my daily/weekly spread. This is where I keep my to-do lists every day so you can see why it is so important to me. The spreads themselves are pretty straightforward. On each page, I have two days of the week. One goes on the top half of the page and then one on the second half. I include the date and day of the week for each day. The only page that includes more than two days is the last one which includes Friday and then a weekend section. I combine Saturday and Sunday together because at least one of those days of the week, I try to make my day of rest so I don't really make a to-do list rather I just do the daily tasks that have to be done and not worry about the rest. On each day, I will look back on my monthly log and then copy over any appointments or events that may be happening, just so I have that at a glance. I keep my bullet journal open on our coffee bar so that way I can make notes as the day goes on like if I need to mail a certain bill that we've just received or I need to make a note from a phone call. That's pretty much it.

Why does it Work for Me?

I really believe that bullet journaling works for me because it's so customizable. I used to make a much bigger ordeal out of bullet journaling. I had all the pens and stickers and markers. I used to spend hours prepping my journal for the month and I loved that. It was a space for me to be creative but now that I am a mom and full-time homemaker, I don't have the time or energy to do that sort of thing. And that's exactly what I love about it. It can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. It has been my experience that writing things down and having one place where everything is just makes the day run smoother. Bullet journaling is something that has made a massive difference in my life and really boosted my productivity and helped me channel some of the nervous energy that I carry.

With all that, I thank you so much for reading and wish you luck on your personal planning journey.

Until next time.



Hi, I'm so glad you're here!

Hey there, I'm Halley! I am a 26-year-old wife and mother based in Central Kentucky and I am passionate about my faith and my family. I am a special education teacher turned stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. I enjoy this life with my charming husband, two darling sons; three-year-old AJ and newborn CJ, lovely step-daughter, and goofy, yet so loveable, golden retriever called Chuck...

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