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Hello and welcome!

Today's post is probably going to be one with lots of emotion. I'm shocked as I write it because on the day this will be posted, somehow I now have a 3-year-old.

I don't think you can truly understand how fast time goes until you have children. In one minute you have a newborn that doesn't sleep and the next you have a 3-year-old that looks and acts more like a little person ready for kindergarten than a baby. While it is emotional watching them grow so quickly, it is one of the biggest blessings God has ever given me to watch my children grow.

So this one is for my precious eldest son.


On this day years ago, I awoke in the night and you were ready to arrive.

After 12 hours, you made your appearance. You had hardly any hair. It was bright blonde and the rest of you was orange. You looked like a newborn but every day since you've looked more and more like your dad.

Since that day, you have brought happiness to our home beyond anything we could have imagined. You fit in perfectly and everyone fell in love with you (even your dog brother who regrets you slightly still to this day).

Now to look at you, 3 years old, standing strong, asking questions, acting out movie scenes, and reciting books, makes me wonder how you were ever that tiny orange baby.

Soon you'll gain the title of big brother, which seems absurd considering you are still tiny in the big picture of life. But like every other thing you've done, you will thrive in this role. You will be protective and you will teach your little brother so many things. I can tell by your personality. You will love fiercely as you already do and you will be the best.

And because of that title, you'll take on, it gives you an even more special role as the eldest son in this family. That means a lot. You are our first boy. The boy who made me a mom. The boy who gave us a physical living piece of the love your father and I share. The boy who smiles with his whole face and laughs with his whole body. The boy whose personality shines in every situation. You, my son, are so beyond special. I thank God for you every single day.

My prayer for you, my boy, is that you would understand how loved you truly are. Not only by your father and I but by our heavenly Father who created You meticulously. He has a plan for you and has created you to do work for Him. I've felt in my heart since I was pregnant with you God speak to me that you would do great work for Him and I've no doubt you will.

It has been an honor watching you grow and though my mom heart hurts a bit seeing you grow farther away from being my little baby, I'm so proud and cannot wait to see how you continue to change as you grow in years. God has blessed me beyond measure to be your mother.

And so to you, my dinosaur-loving, bookworm, and actor, I send my love. I will be here always cheering you on. You are such a blessing and I never want you to forget it.

Happy birthday, AJ.






Hi, I'm so glad you're here!

Hey there, I'm Halley! I am a 26-year-old wife and mother based in Central Kentucky and I am passionate about my faith and my family. I am a special education teacher turned stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. I enjoy this life with my charming husband, two darling sons; three-year-old AJ and newborn CJ, lovely step-daughter, and goofy, yet so loveable, golden retriever called Chuck...

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