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Springtime Blossoms

Is there any season more hope-giving than spring?

You watch this dead and barren land that seems so depressing within itself that even the sun can't bear to look at it too long during the day and then all of a sudden one small purple blossom pops up out of nowhere. And from that moment, for me at least, I can feel the thawing of myself. Coming out of my winter downtime.

As I look out my window at this very moment I can see our weeping cherry tree delicately drooping with lovely pink blooms and little dark pink cherries growing about it. It's just so uplifting. Especially the days that it's nice enough to pop the windows up for a while as I clean the house. The air has a sweet smell to it and people are out all over, it's wonderful.

And the birds. You simply can't ignore the birds. Their singing is beautiful and very frequent here. This is our first spring in this house and it's not disappointing. I did make the mistake of laying birdseed on the front porch, closed, mind you (this was after my sister's revelation that moths sometimes grow in birdseed and then get in your house, a person as terrified of bugs as I quickly just tossed the bag on the front porch from the hallway closet just to be safe thinking I'd move it later). The birds have now picked the bag open and have their own charcuterie board on my front porch. This is a bit annoying as anyone who walks in from the front drags in birdseed but it's also a bit magical to watch. Birds of many different kinds come up to eat throughout the day and even those I find not very attractive seem quite beautiful on their own up close.

Living in Kentucky means unpredictable seasons. This morning, I have the fire on in our family room while Sunday it's supposed to be 80 degrees. But despite the cold, the world is just different. The change cannot be ignored and it's just so beautiful. Not only is it seeing all these blooming and budding plants but it's the blooming and budding of new friendships, new projects, and new mindsets. Neighbors all spending time outside, our kids all running and playing together, everyone working on their yards and landscaping, washing their decks, building things, mending things from the harsh winter and early spring storms. It's really incredible.

The storms are about the only part of spring that I do not like. I'm so nervous when storms come, especially those that have the potential to be tornadic (given my hometown was hit by a tornado when I was in high school). Just last week I was up pacing the floors watching the weather maps and listening to our over-excited meteorologist rave about how many minutes it would be until the storm hit a certain town. As nervous as I was, the resting after the storm was so sweet. There is something about resting in relief after a stressful situation.

Come to think of it, that's how I feel I rest for a while after the time change, winter is gone and spring pops out everywhere. It's like a big sigh of relief. I think understand why Easter is celebrated in spring. New life is everywhere, it's a physical reminder of Jesus' resurrection. How wonderful God is. I love those small pieces He created for us.

Until next time.



Hi, I'm so glad you're here!

Hey there, I'm Halley! I am a 26-year-old wife and mother based in Central Kentucky and I am passionate about my faith and my family. I am a special education teacher turned stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. I enjoy this life with my charming husband, two darling sons; three-year-old AJ and newborn CJ, lovely step-daughter, and goofy, yet so loveable, golden retriever called Chuck...

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