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Take It Away, Space Man

Hello and welcome!

It’s been a minute since my last post because I’ve been a bit busy. To be specific I’ve been busy having a baby and recovering from the birth of our second son.

On Sunday, September 18th (about 24 hours exactly before our scheduled c-section), my water broke. I started freaking out a bit, not going to lie. I desperately didn’t want to leave my toddler but I had to. I was progressing a lot quicker than the first time and we live farther away from the hospital now.

I walked in, signed my name a couple of times with soaking pants (were the papers THAT important?), and began the waiting process to get prepped for my c-section.

We opted for the c-section for safety reasons as my eldest was in extreme danger during our last delivery and I sustained bad injuries which have been life-altering really. And although I knew the c-section was the right choice, I was scared out of my mind. But it all went incredibly smoothly and I didn’t even have a panic attack on the operating table (although I almost did but I prayed a lot so thanks God).

And now we somehow have a family of 5. Our newest member fits right in and has captured the hearts of every single person in our family, even our toddler. I was so worried about what my eldest son would think but he is already highly protective of his baby brother. He checks on him constantly and always wants to know where he is and what he is doing. It’s the most precious thing to see ever.

It’s also definitely coming with its challenges which is natural of course. But I give it all to God. With the help of my incredible husband and my amazing mom, sister, and mother-in-law, I’ve been able to make it through this almost full 2 weeks post-partum.

Our newest member is perfect. Here on this platform, he will go by CJ as I don’t like to share my children much online. He’s super calm and chilled out. His cries are like squeaks (although he can get mad if he wants to). He came with loads of dark hair which I think will shock me for the rest of my life after having two redheads I really didn’t think it was in our genetic combination to make a dark-haired child but here we are. He looks a lot like his big brother and even shares some of the same funny physical details (like one toe that crosses over another). To say I’m grateful for my boys is an understatement.

The adjustment has not been easy. I think it’s funny after a major surgery normally you are told to take it easy. Well after a c-section, you are given some weird advice. Take it easy, but take care of this newborn and any other children you have. Don’t lift but carry your baby and don’t drive but somehow get to all these appointments in the first 2 weeks of recovery. Not to mention for me the mental recovery that has come with this whole being awake throughout an entire surgery but not being able to move. And on top of it all, the hormones are off the wall. I have had horrible feelings and thoughts. I’ve felt hopeless and so overwhelmed all I could do was cry. But I’ve called on my support system and submitted my needs to God; He is healing me. I no longer feel hopeless. I feel overwhelmed, yes at times. But I don’t feel hopeless. I know this newborn phase of not sleeping much is short. I also know this phase of my toddler testing the limits won’t be forever either. All of this is new here and we will fit into a good routine.

So as we go into our first week without any family staying with us, I look forward to figuring out life as the new “us”.

God has blessed us immensely. I’m so grateful for this new blessing.

Welcome to the family, my little half-pint. We all love you so much.

Until next time.




Hi, I'm so glad you're here!

Hey there, I'm Halley! I am a 26-year-old wife and mother based in Central Kentucky and I am passionate about my faith and my family. I am a special education teacher turned stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. I enjoy this life with my charming husband, two darling sons; three-year-old AJ and newborn CJ, lovely step-daughter, and goofy, yet so loveable, golden retriever called Chuck...

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