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Why I Chose Homemaking Over My Career

Hello and welcome back to the blog or welcome if you are new. I'm so glad you are here!

Today I wanted to touch on a subject that I've recently thought more seriously about and also found a new value in. For the time period we live in, it may be a little less popular, although I do feel as if I am finding more and more women also going down this same path as I have and that makes me so excited.

As the title states, I'm going to be telling you why I chose homemaking over my career.

So a little background about me to start, I am a *nearly* 25-year-old wife and mom and as of now, I stay-at-home full-time with my son. Before I was a stay-at-home mom though, I was a teacher. I have a degree in teaching Special Education and it was something I was really passionate about prior to having my son.

Now the question comes: why would I give up my career (that was just beginning) after years of hard work to get my degree and certifications to be a stay-at-home mom and homemaker (yes and. They are different)?

I feel as though the answers are simple once I really take the time to think about them. So, let's get into them.


1. To spend more time with my son

I feel like this is probably a given and also probably a really common reason why other women or men choose to be stay-at-home parents. It sounds so cliché but time goes by so fast and kids grow up in a matter of minutes it seems. When I was still teaching and talking to a coworker about my decision to stay home once my son was born and we agreed that when you're one day on your deathbed, you're not going to think or say "Oh I regret spending those years with my children, I would've rather been working."

*a little disclaimer, being a stay-at-home parent or homemaker is not for everyone. If you choose to work over staying home with your kids then you do you! Everyone is called to different things and it's important we embrace what God has called us to do.


2. So I could work on making my home into a haven

Something I think is important to the stability of a family is the home. Even when I wasn't a full-time homemaker, I strived to make my home a haven, which you can still do even if you aren't a homemaker, but I find it a bit more obtainable when I can focus so much of my energy into doing so on a daily basis. Having a stable, safe and even predictable home life is not just important for kids but for us as adults as well. I love routines and organization. My family knows what to expect and where things are (well most things, husbands and kids aren't the best at looking for things, are they?) and I think that takes out some unnecessary stress in life. I always want my home to feel like a place where my family and others feel they can be at ease, relax, and know they are going to be taken care of.


3. Homemaking is the ministry I'm called to (right now)

It actually took me a bit of time to come to this conclusion. When I first became a stay-at-home mom I basically lost my identity and sense of value and I believe this is probably pretty common among most first-time mothers. The logical part of me knew that I clearly did have value based on my faith and also the fact that I was taking care of my son and doing everything for him, but even then, at times I felt like I was literally just a cow (I know other breastfeeding mommas feel me on that). I had lost a lot of who I was prior to having him. But as he got older, I got more experienced and we started to develop routines, I could find time to spend time with God in prayer and in His Word. From there I began to feel the Spirit speaking to me and showing me my role was as a mom, wife, and homemaker. I learned what an important role I'd be given and that it is actually a ministry, one that I am so thankful to be called into.


I feel as though my reasons are very simple and it's because, well, they are! We oftentimes try so often to overcomplicate things, trying to become something we are not made to be. We live in this time where there are so many voices trying to influence in some way and a lot of times, I think that's then what we believe we should be too, influencers. And the fact of it is, sure, some people are called to that but not everyone and that is okay. I personally came to that revelation in late 2020 (you can read about my journey of becoming just a mom and quitting social media here) and it's honestly been one of the best things I've ever done.

I have a sense of value and direction again. God has also brought resources into my life that I am using to help improve my role as a homemaker and stay-at-home mom and I'm so excited about it and I have that passion I have longed for.

I do hope you enjoyed this post. I'm looking forward to sharing more homemaking content with you. You can also fill out your email address in the subscribe box on your screen to subscribe to my emails so you never miss a post.

Thank you so much for reading!

Until next time.

xoxo Halley




Hi, I'm so glad you're here!

Hey there, I'm Halley! I am a 26-year-old wife and mother based in Central Kentucky and I am passionate about my faith and my family. I am a special education teacher turned stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. I enjoy this life with my charming husband, two darling sons; three-year-old AJ and newborn CJ, lovely step-daughter, and goofy, yet so loveable, golden retriever called Chuck...

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